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Forum tidbits... Mac Mercenary needs some Linux help, some thoughts on Legalizing it, and a bit on The Sys Admin Bluish Blast and Dark Dirigible physics. Of course the Joke Bank is always open for deposits and withdrawls. The Joy of Tech!And be sure to check out today's Joy of Tech!

When a Sys Admin crashes

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view the QuickPoll comic

And don't forget, the comic continues in the Quickpoll, so... do the QuickPoll!
The QuickPoll was...
It is highly probable that the Sys Admin did not survive the explosive crash of the Dark Dirigible.
  • The cartoon kingdom has lost one of its finest.
  • This cartoon universe will be a kinder, gentler place without such dastardly scum.
  • I demand a slow-motion replay!
  • Um, excuse me... but it's the TTBs and their plight that could use some attention here.
  • This QuickPoll is not really a question. I demand a proper Quickpoll question!

View the Results

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