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Current QuickPoll results for 2074 entries:

Time for the traditional... Who's hotter?
Brandy, ... a blonde in the pool is worth two in a dirigible. 115 5%
Bambi, ... so you too find the ability to turn back the clock sexy? 229 11%
Fawn, ... after all this time, the redhead is finally back in the pool. 288 13%
Dawn, ... seems like a dip has cooled her Latin blood (and no, I'm not talking about The Geek). 165 7%
The Techno-Talking Tube Twins, ... two, two, two blondes like one. 579 27%
The frog looks pretty hot to me, ... ya, but I hear he's cold blooded. 239 11%
I really couldn't decide. 458 22%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and hyperventilation.
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