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Current JoyPoll results for 436 entries:

What is the most cursed thing about Instant Messaging?
The people you wish would message you most, don't, ... and those that you don't want to talk to have you on their oh-oh! list. 132 30%
The number of "hot girls" waiting for me, ... sure, and I've got a monkey for you to punch. 96 22%
It's yet another number I have to put on my business card, ... they should be called business novels. 24 5%
My nickname is always taken, ... you couldn't think of anything other than NiceGuy? 64 14%
Wondering if a government spook is reading my Instant Literary Wonderments, ... so, if someone is hired to read every email, fax, web page, and Instant Message on the planet, who is left on the planet to write all this stuff? btw, bomb, kidnap, assassinate, president, terrorist, and just kidding, ha ha ha. 38 8%
There is nothing cursed about Instant Messaging, ... there is when you suddenly realize that you missed the last X-Files episode because you were Instant Messaging and it was one about a weeping zombie creature vomiting up a woman he ate alive into a human-shaped mold grave! 21 4%
I instantly view the results, and got the message. 61 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and i seek you.
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