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Current JoyPoll results for 461 entries:

If this happened to you, what would be your reaction?
I'd be spinning my arms around like a windmill while walking towards a crowd of onlookers, ... sounds like you have some inertia issues 54 11%
I'd be pulling out chunks of my hair, ... oh, so that's what the receding hairline thing is all about! 17 3%
I'd cry really loud, like a baby, ... it's a good way to get attention, isn't it? 32 6%
I begin dreaming up revenge plans, ... oh how sweet! 54 11%
I'd ask someone for a big hug, ... funny how you waited for the office hottie to be in hug-range. 80 17%
Take a big belly breath, ... take a deep breath for four counts, expand your stomach, breath it all out for four counts... there... that's better. 112 24%
I'm disconnected from voting. 112 24%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the next best thing to being there.
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