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Current JoyPoll results for 1146 entries:

How are you getting Leopard?
I'm not, ... no, you won't be missing out on all the fun. Nope, there's more to life than a shiny new OS. No, you won't be sitting alone in the dark, softly sobbing, on Friday October 26th. 225 19%
Walking into a store and picking one up, ... more likely you'll be pouncing on it! 144 12%
Lining up, then walking into the store, ... hopefully Woz won't cut-in in front of you! 29 2%
Ordering via Amazon, Apple, or other online store, ... no really, buy via our link or Jobbie gets fixed! 235 20%
Bittorent, ... don't forget to drop a little something in Apple's PayPal account. (heh, what a difference five years make) 130 11%
Very cautiously! I'm waiting a few months, ... you get a little pale on the bleeding edge? 235 20%
I'm happily booting System 7. 148 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and affiliate kickbacks.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

Please support our continued work on the comics by becoming a SuperFan,
or by shopping at our webstore.


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