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Current JoyPoll results for 1045 entries:

Which of the gifts in today's comic would you actually like to get?
That old iPod is almost a collector's item, ... almost?? It's a sacred object! 312 29%
McDonald's? I'm loving it, ... your body isn't. 41 3%
I'd see the six roses as a half-full dozen, ... he sees you as a half full SO. 58 5%
Leopard would rock, even used, ... if he's real sweet, he'll also gift you the update too. 163 15%
Any chocolate is good chocolate, ... especially if you've had a lousy Valentine's. 186 17%
TV dinner and pirated movie? That's what I have all the time!, ... well, now that the Apple TV update is out, you can rent! 132 12%
I shy away from Valentine's Day comics. 153 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and high serotonin levels.
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