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Current JoyPoll results for 639 entries:

This comic best explores which complex social issue?
A society populated with unfit people, ... if everyone was fit, who would power the economy? 69 10%
The delusion that a computer game will help you with fitness, ... you can get fit walking around from store to store seeing if they have any in stock. 238 37%
The ethical issues involved with euthanizing avatars, ... his Mii is in a better place. 104 16%
Computers VS Humans, how that Wii Fit was messing with his mind, ... the self-aware machine destroyed his self-confidence. 50 7%
The scourge of workplace slacking, ... hey, that water cooler is working so hard it's sweating! 33 5%
My anger over the fact that eBay is the only place I can find the Wii Fit, ... if Nintendo wanted to really rake it in, they'd just have to switch to auctions. 58 9%
I'm exploring the complex results. 87 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and avatar laziness.
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