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Current JoyPoll results for 1259 entries:

Do rumors hurt or help Apple?
Hurt. Apple can never live up to the hype, ... hmmm, 'cept for the Mac, the iMac, Mac OS X, the iPod, and that phone thing. 53 4%
Help. There's no such thing as bad publicity, ... remind that to the Mobile Me team. 223 17%
A bit of both, ... hurt, or hurt not. There is no wishy washy answer. 249 19%
Neither, but it sure makes the tech world more exciting, ... I thought that was our job! 105 8%
Rumors are the engines that power a thousand websites, and that's good, ... face it, you just love to gossip. 134 10%
What, you mean that iPhone nano with video chat and a teleportation app is a rumor?, ... you heard it here first folks! 348 27%
I'm guessing the results. 147 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rounding leaks.
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