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Current JoyPoll results for 995 entries:

What will Christmas Future be?
Aliens looking over the ruins of our civilization, ... was it Christmas rush that killed us or that damned airplane on a treadmill problem? 86 8%
Huge-brained Homo-Futuriens with useless limbs, hooked up to the Network 24/7 via cranial implants, ... let me guess, you are suddenly super turned on? 111 11%
Caveman giving his son a wooden club and some flint, ... actually, that sounds like a really neat gift! 107 10%
Same old same old, parents giving spoiled brats the latest fad, ... yes, but they will look cool in their spacesuits and flying cars. 400 40%
Atheists reflecting back on the Spirit of Consumerism, ... who gets to carve His Noodly Appendage? 192 19%
No future... no future... no future for me!!! 99 9%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the Goodwill to Mankind store.
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