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Current JoyPoll results for 1272 entries:

What makes your heart beat faster?
My brain tells my adrenal glands to release a sympathomimetic monoamine derived from the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine, ... wow, you are an android! 239 18%
Sex, ... is your heart beating faster every 7 seconds? 236 18%
A new computer, ... they say the biggest sex organ is the electronic brain. 93 7%
Sex with a new computer, ... I hope you at least bought it more RAM first. 137 10%
Sex with my old computer is just fine thank you, ... have you ever considered that you might be just settling? 110 8%
Comics that scare me, when they are too close to my reality, ... cartoonist/reality confidentiality prevents us from commenting on this. 239 18%
I need a Popeye cigarette! 218 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a rounding murmur.
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