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Current JoyPoll results for 701 entries:

What your preferred fortune telling method?
Captcha telling, ... hopefully you can tell a bot isn't doing the reading. 48 6%
Having my Palm¨ read, ... I hear it's pretty easy to read your cards on the Pre. 41 5%
Reading my at&t leaves, ... two year contract is up soon? 36 5%
Inspecting the entrails of Michael Arrington, ... good luck finding the heart. ;-P 89 12%
The Psychic Duck of Freiberg, ... and to think, some called it quackery! 90 12%
Random.org, ... isn't your psychically-derived future too important to be left to chance? 242 34%
What's the point in knowing my future, when I can't change Fate? 155 22%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and throwing bones.
Previous Joy
Random Joy!

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