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Current JoyPoll results for 763 entries:

What kind of gift giver are you?
Mr. Same Gift for Everyone, ... hey, what's so wrong with giving everyone propeller beanies? 30 3%
Mr. I Got a Better Gift, ... all the people getting Zunes this year will be bumping into him. 20 2%
Mr. Gimme Gimme!, ... if Mr. Gimme Gimme never gives, he won't get for long. 48 6%
The No Giver, ... I'm sure you have your reasons, but I don't expect you will give me them. 190 24%
The Last Minute Guy, ... aw come on, everyone loves the Last Minute Guy! 178 23%
Hey! What's so measly about a Starbucks gift card!!!, ... um, I was hoping for a Tim Hortons one. 134 17%
I'm diving in the dumpster for the results. 163 21%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and it's the thought of rounding up to exactly 100% that counts.
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