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Current JoyPoll results for 1521 entries:

What advice would you give Adobe in the Apple/Adobe war?
Fight Apple until your last breath, ... let them therefore brace themselves to their duties, and so bear themselves that, if the Adobe Empire lasts for a thousand versions, geeks will still say, "This was their finest hour!" 100 6%
Surrender. No one wins a fight with Apple, ... no one but the lawyers. 41 2%
Join forces with Google or Microsoft, ... I dunno about Microsoft, you know what they say in Redmond... every cloud has a Silverlighting. 183 12%
Give up Flash and get to work on HTML5 stuff asap!, ... always have a backup plan. 489 32%
How about just focus on making Photoshop and Illustrator better?, ... I'll spare you my fireworks over Fireworks. 441 28%
I am in neutral territory here, ... chicken, fight like a robot! 107 7%
All I am saying, is give the Results a chance. 160 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and try the rounding help line.
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