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Current JoyPoll results for 1056 entries:

What do you think about Twitter getting ads?
I don't use Twitter, so I don't care, ... at least you cared enough to vote, thanks! 484 45%
I hate Twitter, and hope ads kill that waste of time, ... did a tweet steal your lollypop when you a kid? 116 10%
Groan, ... oh please, let's hope they don't have sound! 65 6%
Ads are OK, so long as they are not annoying, ... now that my friend, is a rare bird indeed! 156 14%
This presents me with a new marketing opportunity!, ... you are on Twitter for the wrong reason. 9 0%
This presents me with an opportunity to develop a Twitter ad blocker!, ... pesky programmers, always throwing a wrench into corporate plans. 123 11%
I thought this was an ad, so I clicked on it. 103 9%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and little chocolate easter eggs you find hidding in the sofa.
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