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Current JoyPoll results for 1535 entries:

What do you think of Google adding images to its search page background?
Sucks, ... not if the picture is of a polar bear in a snow storm. 218 14%
Choice is good, ... unless you have no choice. 198 12%
I'm embarrassed for Google, copying Bing like that, ... they were just trying to be friendly. 325 21%
Choice is bad, keep it simple, Stupid!, ... be careful, it's never a good idea to call Google names. 85 5%
I don't use Google anyway, ... Am I feeling sorry? 33 2%
UPDATE... I'm so glad Google removed it!, ... so I guess comics can make a difference!. 439 28%
I'm searching for the results. 237 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a picture of Rounding Gray.
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