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Current JoyPoll results for 1511 entries:

How do you feel about Apple banishing certain "old" technology?
I hate it, ... don't worry, they can't banish you yet. 68 4%
I don't like it, but Apple is usually right about stuff like this, ... and if they are not, it doesn't matter anyway. 219 14%
I like it. Someone has to have the guts to say let's move on and leave the old tech behind, ... soon guts will be old tech, and the machines will move on without us. 675 44%
I hate it. It's just a marketing move, to sell the newest device every year, ... well no problem then. You can resist the latest shiny toy, no? 216 14%
I'm kind of a new gadget junkie, so actually, it works for me, ... you know, I've seen a lot of people walkin' 'round, with Apple logos in their eyes... god damn the Pusher! 133 8%
I'm just killing time, waiting until I can pre-order my iPhone 4. 200 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and I cn't believe this poll script hasn't been retired!
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