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Current JoyPoll results for 979 entries:

What's the most annoying kind of Facebook person?
The kind who doesn't know you, but wants to be your friend, ... you mean to say you won't open up your heart and privacy to a stranger? 204 20%
A real-life friend who won't friend you on Facebook!, ... that's better than an imaginary friend who does. 37 3%
The kind who posts and posts and posts, ... it could be worse, they could be in the same room talking to you. 177 18%
The kind who never posts anything. What's the point of being on Facebook if you don't use it?, ... reading is using, no? 45 4%
Anyone who uses Facebook regularly is probably really annoying, ... sounds like someone poked you too much as a kid. 332 33%
No one is annoying, they are all actually quite nice, ... how social of you! 32 3%
I'm poking the results. 152 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a friending spree.
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