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Current JoyPoll results for 739 entries:

What do you think Facebook wants to trademark "face" for?
Facebook used to be called Thefacebook, so maybe they want to shorten it again to just Face, ... but half the pictures on there are of other body parts. 22 2%
Facebook wants to go after Apple's Facetime, ... they may have a face-off on their hands. 73 9%
Facebook is being an ass, ... hey, if you've got it, flaunt it. 214 28%
It's the usual, a bunch of trademark lawyers with nothing else to do, trying to save face, ... next they will be trademarking time, since they steal so much of that. 218 29%
They are going to add automatic face recognition to the default privacy settings, so Facebook's advertisers can get a look at you before they buy you, ... I owe my soul to the company store. 131 17%
I prefer to use an emoticon. 81 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Sixteen Tons.
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