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Current JoyPoll results for 1025 entries:

What's the real reason Eric Schmidt is stepping down from Google?
Just a second, I'm Googling it, ... Bing there, done that. 191 18%
It's just not the same without Jobs, ... maybe the two of them are going off into the sunset together? 110 10%
Sergey's emotion chip finally activated, and he can now run the company with feeling, ... he still spends all his time searching for life forms. 65 6%
He's feeling lucky, ... in the search business, you find your own luck. 165 16%
If I was him, I'd get out too. Facebook is gonna cream Google, ... wouldn't they just superpoke them to death? 30 2%
Maybe he just realized that the whole tech industry is a huge rat race and a waste of time, and he wants to spend some quality time with his life, ... any resemblance to how I'm feeling lately is purely coincidental. 283 27%
I just realized that I want to spend some quality time with the results. 181 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and self-rounding rounding.
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