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Current JoyPoll results for 545 entries:

Which of the seven would you like Google to do?
PornDoodles, ... would those show up on pubic holidays? 33 6%
Google Dating!, ... at least it would weed out all the crazy Bing chicks. 16 2%
I would love to Larry Pagerank, ... poor Sergey, always a Brinsmaid. 4 0%
OMG... Google Cafes would be fabulous, ... they'd be really easy to find too! 72 13%
I'm intrigued by the idea of that giant tablet interface, for scientific reasons of course, ... I figured you'd dig the multi-touch. 206 37%
Sorry, but if it's not an iOS-based, king-sized bed tablet, it's a turn off, ... close your eyes, and think of Cupertino. 113 20%
Hey! What happen to the virus option? 101 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and RoundingRanking.
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