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Current JoyPoll results for 1206 entries:

What do you think is not fair?
How the media is ganging up on RIM, ... must be because they are so iconic. Yeah, that's it. 41 3%
The bad reviews of the Playbook, ... they are only bad if you work for Blackberry or hoped the Playbook would be a game changer. 5 0%
It's not a fair fight between the iPad and other tablets, ... I think it's fair, Apple shows everyone else what they will be trying for next year. 195 16%
Cartoonists making fun of corporations, their products, and CEOs, is just not fair, ... why should journalists have all the fun? 57 4%
The Universe is not fair, ... methinks the fact that it is not, is fair. 383 31%
All is fair in love and tech, ... you must be wearing a blindfold! 363 30%
I do not think this was a fair question. Turn off this JoyPoll! 162 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and is adding up to 100% really fair?
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