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Current JoyPoll results for 1225 entries:

What do you think about Windows 8?

Awesome, Microsoft is finally on the right track, ... I think the copy-Apple track has been working for them for a while. 111 9%
Sheesh, it's just another copy of Apple, ... it's usually more like a Bizzaro copy. 132 10%
It has potential, but still a long way to go, ... don't we all. 130 10%
Here we go again, another kick at the football, ... or are you more of a Linus fan? 220 17%
I'm giving multi-touch the finger, ... you learning the new Lion gestures? 79 6%
For crying out loud, why do they still insist on still calling it Windows?!, ... we wouldn't want to frighten our business clients with a strange new name, would we? 303 24%
I'm hiding from Windows 8. 250 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and poking my computer.
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