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Current JoyPoll results for 888 entries:

What hand signal would you give to the Occupy Wall Street movement?

Warning, long winter ahead, ... rubbing your hands together used to mean money-grubbing! 189 21%
Thumbs up, ... soon to be known as the "Like" gesture. 151 17%
Thumbs down, ... don't wag your fingers until you've walked a mile in their mittens. 55 6%
I'm confused, ... well stop sitting on your thumbs! 79 8%
[insert rude gesture here], ... it's not nice to piss off the people who might eat you. 161 18%
What's so funny about Peace, Love, and wealth distribution? 124 13%
I getting a bail out of the results. 129 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and point of process.
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