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Current JoyPoll results for 642 entries:

What's the lesson here?

Don't play mind games on your friend, it's bound to make them grumpy, ... especially when they know that you are out of ice cream and they'd have to go to the store to get some! 30 4%
As a time traveller, you need to be very subtle, especially when trying to change the future, ... changing the future is easy, changing the past is a lot harder! 122 19%
If someone makes the effort to concoct a stupid story just to get a bowl of ice cream, humor them, ... wait a sec, are you just trying to get me to be less grouchy? 66 10%
Travelling back in time, then trying to get your friend to change, will probably end up turning them into what you went back to prevent, ... start by getting them ice cream. 130 20%
Even if you've just arrived from the future, never bug someone when they are on the Internet!, ... cardinal rule of the Time Traveller's Society. That's why they don't visit here much. 63 9%
If you are going to travel back to the early 21st century, at least order pizza and a beer!, ... are you telling me they are extinct in the future? Oh the humanity! 134 20%
OMG, I just travelled directly to the results! 97 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and pesky time travellers changing the figures.
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