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Current JoyPoll results for 820 entries:

It must be sad for Jerry Yang to leave Yahoo.
Have you ever had to sadly leave behind a part of you?

Yes, leaving home was like that, ... even sader was having to come back! 21 2%
Leaving a relationship was like that, ... better to have loved and lost... wait a second, it's not! 68 8%
I had to leave a business, that was hard, ... hopefully you didn't have a bootprint on your butt when you left. 43 5%
Once I was just too full to finish the pizza, ... that's sad. Don't you realize there are geeks all over who would love to adopt your leftover slice? 146 17%
Leaving an old computer is like that, ... that is, until you boot the new one! 199 24%
Actually, leaving behind something can be the greatest thing ever!, ... that's why I think Facebook is so unnatural! 215 26%
I'm sad I left behind voting in the poll. 128 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and those left behind.
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