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Current JoyPoll results for 699 entries:

What alternative uses for a warm iPad would be your favorite?

It would be a great place to keep your tepid glass of water tepid, ... yuk, I'll take my chances with brain freeze! 47 6%
Dress it up as Lukewarm Skywalker, ... on Tatooine, they use iPads as cooling packs! 59 8%
iPad would be great platform to hold ice cube melting races on, ... just don't tell the Genius what you did when you take it in for repair. 64 9%
Use it to warm up the toilet seat?, ... ewwww! No wonder it's covered in fecal matter! 164 23%
How about we use Consumer Reports tester's skulls as an iPad heat sink?, ... they would work great, as empty space is close to absolute zero. 203 29%
I wish MY iPhone would call me Hottiebuns. 162 23%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and scalding criticism.
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