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Current JoyPoll results for 1027 entries:

What do you do to get to the next level in relationships?

I try to collect as many bonus points as possible, ... how many points do you get for cooking dinner? 189 18%
Gold coins can get you just about anything, ... money is magic that way. 135 13%
If I am stuck, I use cheat codes, ... that usually results in game over. 30 2%
I just enter into them with all weapons blasting, ... it's worse when you leave with them blasting. 75 7%
I'm already on the highest level, ... hopefully that's not the doghouse level! 230 22%
I'm happy just playing with myself, ... TILT! 134 13%
You don't bring me flowers, I don't vote in the JoyPoll. 234 22%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and bonus rounding.
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