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Current JoyPoll results for 709 entries:

Best way to fight the patent wars?

Boycotts, ... how about a buy-nothing year? 54 7%
Bed-ins, ... are you in a Serta exclusive and patented Advanced Comfort Quilt¨, or a Sealy with the patented Core Support Center? 15 2%
Tweeting about it, ... if you think you invented tweeting about food, I'm pretty sure there is prior art. 14 1%
Lawyers!, ... send in the clowns! 38 5%
A Duel, ... darn, I was hoping that linked to the old Spielberg movie. 118 16%
Super Soakers at 20 paces., ... just don't tell them they are loaded with surfuric acid. 136 19%
Dealing with other more important things, ... like watching old Spielberg movies? 239 33%
When it comes to bed-ins, I'm more of a lover not a fighter. 95 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and prior rounding.
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