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Current JoyPoll results for 4256 entries:

If you were Apple, how would you apologize?

Quietly, under my breath, ... sometimes a whisper is louder than a scream. 69 1%
I wouldn't apologize!, ... tell it to the Judge! 286 6%
I'd bury it so deep, no web crawler would ever find it, ... if you bury something deep enough, it pops up the other side! 124 2%
The only way you can apologize, loudly and sincerely, ... success is the best apology. 220 5%
I think the comic nailed it, ... thanks! And to all those who didn't think so, I apologize. 1972 46%
About ten seconds before the iPhone 5 is announced, ... you learned that trick from the Pitch Perfect ebook? 905 21%
I apologize for not voting. 681 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a sorry state.
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