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Current JoyPoll results for 736 entries:

What would be your favorite feature of an iWatch?

Dyson hand dryer, ... I'm pretty sure James Dyson is Tim Cook's long lost twin. 113 15%
Superman emergency signal, ... if the iWatch called Superman, who would the Android watch call? 59 8%
Easy shower attachment, ... oh, and there's one more thing... it comes with the girl! 38 5%
Groundhog Day Mode, ... if we could re-do this day, Nitrozac and I could add more stuff to the iWatch comic! 218 29%
That's easy... an iPad for my gerbil!, ... iPad mini mini! 110 14%
I'm just going to watch the results. 192 26%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and that constant ZEE ZEE ZEE.
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