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Current JoyPoll results for 287 entries:

Will a bad review prevent you from buying something?

Sometimes, it depends on the reviewer, ... who reviews the reviewers? 154 53%
Always, ... well, in that case, I will say that was a great vote from you. 3 1%
Not usually, I like to make up my own mind, ... you mean the marketing companies don't do that for you? 60 20%
I usually end up doing the exact opposite of what a reviewer recommends, ... in regards to the NYT piece, Tesla is hoping for that. 3 1%
Reading reviews is for the weak! Buy, or do not, ... that sale was our last hope. No, there is another. 20 6%
I reviewed the review results. 45 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and alternating current.
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