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Current JoyPoll results for 117 entries:

If you were a god, how would you act towards your creations?

Angry, mean, and vengeful, ... so you're old school god? 0%  
Angry, mean and vengeful, but I'm not really, that's just the only way to get them to worship me, ... the punishment fits the prayer. 8 6%
Kind and loving to my creations, and make their lives happy and rewarding, ... oh you just baby them! 23 19%
I'd give them all superpowers, then watch them fight!, ... you are very much like a cartoonist! 22 18%
If I was a god, I would be too busy doing other stuff to worry about my puny creations!, ... so many supernova to watch, and not enough time! 36 30%
I just created the results. 25 21%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and an act of man.
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