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Current JoyPoll results for 361 entries:

Will you miss Google Reader?

No, I've never heard of it, ... don't feel bad, Google's a bit of a hoarder. 73 20%
A bit, but I mostly use another RSS reader, ... yes, there is another! 42 11%
Yes, I will miss it, ... is that how you Feedly feel? 59 16%
I'm devastated by its "retirement", ... heartless human, firing software like that! 112 31%
What the heck is an RSS feed anyway? , ... real simple syndication, but too hard for most. 21 5%
I'm glad it's dead! (I'm an RSS client developer!), ... don't be evil, but I'm happy for you. 24 6%
I blame Steve Jobs for telling Larry Page to just focus on a few good products. 30 8%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, Really Simple Rounding.
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