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Current JoyPoll results for 820 entries:

What is wrong here?

The whole concept of vibrating underwear and being touched virtually by someone, ... reach out and swipe someone! 148 18%
That fact that I don't yet have a pair of vibrating underwear, ... how awful, you must be under durex! 178 21%
I think his underwear got hacked!, ... either that or his packets dropped. 111 13%
He's wearing vibrating underwear at work. Sick!, ... everyone else just turns off their ringer and sits on their phone. 110 13%
That the word "sick" can now mean cool as well as disgusting, ... it is the fate of the older generation to think the younger one sick. 138 16%
Just viewing the results is sick! 133 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and skidmarks.
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