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Current JoyPoll results for 158 entries:

How do you feel about the NSA knowing who you called and when?

Safer, it's what they gotta do in these trouble times, ... the price of freedom always seems to be giving up one's freedom. 3 1%
Not safer, I feel violated, ... I'm more afraid of Facebook knowing what I do. 29 18%
Couldn't really care less, ... it's probably the closest you'll get to being a secret agent! 16 10%
Glad that I live outside of the USA, ... is that a drone I hear? 48 30%
No one ever calls me anyway, ... the NSA boys are laughing about how many times you phone for pizza though. 46 29%
I'm going back to Morse Code. 16 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a tap.
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