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Current JoyPoll results for 703 entries:

Do you worry about what the NSA knows about you?

I don't, I've got nothing to hide, ... Facebook know everything about you already. 43 6%
I do, even though I have nothing to hide, ... doesn't having nothing to hide make you an instant suspect? 101 14%
I do worry, but what can one do about it?, ... the solution is a real turn off. 60 8%
I do, and I do what I can to stop their snooping, ... is that why you volunteered for a Mars mission? 73 10%
I don't, because I'm so boring, that after a short time, I know the NSA are going to leave me alone, ... that never stopped geeks from watching something. 146 20%
I'm an NSA agent, and I'm interested in how you're going to vote, ...I'm an NSA psychologist, and I already knew how you were going to. 138 19%
I'm seeking asylum in the results. 142 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and three hops.
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