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Current JoyPoll results for 430 entries:

What would you say to that "Misunderstood" kid?

Put down the darn phone and enjoy some real time with your family!, ... actually, they just bully him, and he's collecting evidence. 79 18%
Nice one kid, you got out of buying everyone presents, and instead just whipped up a quick video, ... not only that, but he's monetized it on YouTube. 59 13%
Kid, you've spoiled it for all us mopers. Now everyone expects that we're working on some great work of art., ... I'm moping because this kid has an iPhone 5S and I don't. 88 20%
I wouldn't say anything, I would just look kind of gloomy while secretly making him a video, ... don't forget to apply a Goth filter to the whole thing. 56 13%
I'm moping directly to the results. 140 32%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a snowball hitting the camera.

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