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Current JoyPoll results for 593 entries:

What's the best way to fire people up about Net Neutrality?

Go into all the fine details about U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Verizon v. Federal Communications Commission, case 11-1356, ... details are fine, but too many fine details can make you forget the big picture. 8 1%
Why bother? Most people wouldn't lift a finger to protest anything, ... well, if you can get them to click their mouse, that's a start. 52 8%
Tell them a non-neutral Net will effect the quality of the streaming content they are currently viewing, ... buffering kills the mood. 65 10%
Explain that a non-neutral Net will hit them in their pocketbooks, when Internet providers demand more money for neutral Net-like access, ... when is Netflix going to offer Internet access? 206 34%
Tell them that they will pick up more chicks if they support Net Neutrality, ... by telling them they can watch Orange is the New Black at your place. 138 23%
When it comes to JoyPoll voting, I'm neutralizing the results. 120 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and I don't mind if they buffer the NSA.

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