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Current JoyPoll results for 631 entries:

Who's the most vampire-y of the contemporary vampires?

Facebook, ... they vant to drink your blood, and that of vall your friends! 98 15%
Google, ... if you want to keep them away, you need to wear a lower case f-shaped crucifix. 140 22%
The NSA, ... they're the Volturi of vamps. 190 30%
There are no vampires, just people organizing the world's information, ... that's scarier, since people are the real monsters! 56 8%
The way I suck up Internet information... me!!!, ... sounds like you are more of a Net-Zombie. 34 5%
I'm sucking at the results. 110 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a touch of sunlight.

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