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Current JoyPoll results for 485 entries:

What would be your final tweet?

It was fun, ... not so much for all the Klingons. 29 5%
I just need some more coffee, ... defibrillator blend? 49 10%
I hope I haven't bored you, ... better bored than blocked. 10 2%
I should have spent less time on the computer, ... and more time wishing you were on the computer? 41 8%
I hope the afterlife has a social network, ... hopefully you don't get a Fail Devil. 15 3%
This would be an appropriate time to unfollow me, ... unfollowed, but not forgotten. 198 40%
Today was a good day to just view the results. 133 27%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and famous last rounding.

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