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Current JoyPoll results for 475 entries:

Would you wear a personal "black box"?

No, I'm tracked enough as it is, ... your smartphone is being a smart aleck. 161 33%
Yes, that would be neat!, ... hopefully if you crash, you won't be a messy Humpty Dumpty. 8 1%
Only if it also functioned as a body data recorder, ... why bother, you know it's going to end up being pilot error. 32 6%
I'd need a longer battery life, ... it would be kinda nice to go missing for 60 days! 20 4%
Those things are bad luck! They are always on planes that crash!, ... I only fly by drone. 186 39%
I'm viewing the frequency of the results. 67 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and ping, ping, ping.

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