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Current JoyPoll results for 396 entries:

What era would you most like to travel to in your time machine?
The Summer of Love, 1967, ... just don't fall in love with your mommy. 5914%
When dinosaurs ruled the Earth, ... look at the birds... thunder lizards still RULEZ THE SKY! 235%
The dawn of Man, ... oh it would be so tempting to arm the Neaderthals. 123%
When the pyramids were built, ... just don't fall in love with your mummy!317%
Forget the past, I'm heading to the future!, ... time machines only work one way anyway.15539%
I just wish I could go back and stop myself from time travelling in my mind, ... well, if you do marry your mother, she'll might nag you to stop.5112%
Sorry, but I just gotta go back and kill Hitler!5914%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and pesky time travelling rounding trolls.

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