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Current JoyPoll results for 525 entries:

What's the best way to make things better?

Reuse, recycle, reduce, ... the Universe is doing the reuse, recycle, expand thing. 205 39%
Don't use in the first place, ... nice thought, but you're a geek, you can't resist. 82 15%
Tiny improvements, on a global scale, ... buy local is not so loco. 53 10%
The Golden Rule, ... maybe they should leave gold out of it. 47 8%
Why bother? I'm going to die, and so is the Sun, and so is the Universe for crying out loud!, ... oh come on, nobody wants the Multi-verse to think we're the Universe that didn't care. 47 8%
Things are just fine the way things are, ... is this going to add up to 1%? 15 2%
It's better just to view the results, and ask forgiveness later. 75 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and in my mind, the rounding is better.

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