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Current JoyPoll results for 813 entries:

What do you think the punchline is?

The poopie at the tech tuna tornado presents, ... that works for me. 40 4%
The FCC says "Hey Net Neutrality, why such a long face?, ... for all its talk, you'd think the FCC would be hoarse. 7 0%
The FCC says, "Where'd you get the pig?" Net Neutrality says, "I don't have a pig." The FCC says, "I was talking to the air molecules beside you.", ... air molecules are almost as funny as a chicken. 10 1%
The parties at the table laughed and said, We used you to get where we are today, and now we're killing you off!, ... in the Game of Net Neutrality, you surf or you die. 119 14%
Maybe it will be revealed at the other side of the JoyPoll?, ... if I was good at bar jokes, I would have been a lawyer. 64 7%
There's nothing funny about what's about to happen to Net Neutrality, ... Net Neutrality or Net Neutering? 436 53%
I'm walking into a bar after viewing the results. 128 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the rounding staggering out of a bar.

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