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Current JoyPoll results for 917 entries:

Best memory you have of Robin Williams?

I saw him live, or met him in real life, ... jealous! 20 2%
Mork and Mindy, ... and some people said that would typecast him forever.. HA! 57 6%
One of his films, ... bet you can't pick just one. 92 10%
Most of his films! , ... he scared me as Popeye, too realist! 176 19%
Any time someone would interview him, ... his brain was firing on all 100 billion neurons. 39 4%
Most or all of the above., ... O Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done 363 39%
I sadly view the results. 167 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and you should be sitting on your head.

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