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Current JoyPoll results for 697 entries:

How do you feel about all those people and corporations
looking over your shoulder as you surf for news?

No problem, it's better than paying a buck for a newspaper!, ... the quality time spent alone with a big piece of paper is worth it. 34 4%
If I had to buy all the news sources I surf to, I'd be broke!, ... don't worry, I don't think Gawker or Buzzfeed will ever charge. 118 16%
I don't like it, but it's worth the privacy loss and annoyances, ... that's what they say about mosquitoes. 40 5%
News is meant to be shared!, ... you're the news they're sharing! 35 5%
I use anti-looking-over-my-shoulder techniques, ... I think they can X-ray right through your shoulder now. 191 27%
I get all the news I need from cat videos, ... I get my mews from them! 125 17%
I'm feeling for the results. 151 21%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and backseat surfers.

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