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Current JoyPoll results for 563 entries:

What's the best thing about waiting rooms?

Magazines. Real paper ones, ... the germaphobe in me just screamed. 63 11%
You could meet your future partner there!, ... I hope it's not an STD Clinic! 7 1%
When the receptionist is hot, ... you just might have a chance if you're waiting to pick up your lottery winnings. 112 19%
The wonderful, natural, ear-splitting sound of a crying baby, ... or do you get that already at home? 29 5%
That wonderful effect where a bunch of humans are sitting together in silence trying not to notice each other, ... meanwhile they are all on the Internet interacting with each other. 181 32%
Imagining that these are the people you will have to build a new world with, in the case of a sudden apocalypse, ... or the ones you'll have to eat. 78 13%
The poll questions don't exist to me! 86 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and checking my phone.

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