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Current JoyPoll results for 507 entries:

What would you like the Holiday Hackers to bring you?

Pirated movies, software, and music, ... real hackers copy, great hackers steal? 34 6%
Expose corporate greed, ... with a bonus leak of Christmas bonuses! 62 12%
Government corruption and abuse of power, ... how about they start with North Korea? 104 20%
Nothing! Holiday Hackers are on my Naughty list!, ... you just got added to Sony's Nice list. 79 15%
I like what Ye Olde-school Holiday Hackers bring, modifying, overclocking, modding... creating cool hacks!, ... I'll go get everyone a homebrew! 154 30%
It's the results that count! 70 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a leecher.

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