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Current JoyPoll results for 638 entries:

What Apple-gate from other years got you most worked up?

Antenna-gate, ... you're holding the grudge wrong. 85 13%
Crack-gate, ... you're cracking up over mold lines? 12 1%
Maps-ageddon, ... Forstall's Folly? 95 14%
Bend-gate, ... as Fonzie would say... don't sit on it. 55 8%
Floppy-ageddon!, ... they would still be ubiquitous if it wasn't for that damn Steve Jobs!!!! 43 6%
Free-U2-album-alypse, ... too soon? 143 22%
Since JoyPoll-gate, I just view the results. 198 31%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and roundageddon.

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