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Current JoyPoll results for 443 entries:

What would be your favorite Game of Thrones yoga pose that didn't make it into the comic?

The Flayed Man, ... that one's hard on your you-know-what. 19 4%
The Mountain, ... so big and strong, but don't lose your head! 13 2%
Ned's head, ... the name of the game is keeping it on your shoulders. 18 4%
The I-don't-watch-that-show shrug, ... the TV is dark and filled with terrors! 233 52%
The Iron Throne chair potato, ... wouldn't it be healthier for the king to use a standing throne? 92 20%
I'm posing for the results. 67 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and that's not what happened in the book!

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